Meet Our Team

Our wonderful and dedicated staff members…


Amber Lowery
Executive Director

Dylan Carroll - Assistant Kennel Manager

Dylan Carroll
Kennel Manager

Tamarą Arrowood - Shelter Manager

Tamarą Arrowood
Shelter Manager

Andi Call - Bookkeeper

Andi Call
Bookkeeper & Administrative Assistant



Full Time Support Staff:

Jeff Brachmann

Part Time Support Staff:

Alyce Householter
Kendra Ledford
Nicole Silvers
Amelia Young


Our Board

Our Board of Directors meets once a month. Terms are three years. The organization benefits from board members who are leaders in the community, offer expertise in business, law, accounting, finance, events planning, grant writing, IT support, facilities management, and human resources. Please let us know if you are interested in serving as a board member



Susan Spruill
Interim Chair

Nancy Morrison
Interim Vice-Chair

Brette Barron
Interim Treasurer

Haley Honeycutt


Dale Blevins
Michaela Hames
Tim Phillips
Bill Sales
Ruth Shirley


Our Advisory Board

Our advisors are community members and past board members who generously offer their time and expertise to consult and assist with our ongoing efforts. 


Lynn Allinger

Amy Barron

Dr. Daniel Barron

Patricia Beam

Kate Callahan-King

Donna Collis

Dr. Kelly Georgeau, DVM

Carmen Grier

Nyla Greene

Sally Guerard

Dana Moore

Jan Ritter


Our Veterinarians

Dr Jennie Stewart, Stewart's Mountain View Animal Hospital, Veterinarian of Record  

Dr Stacy Jones, Cane River Veterinary Wellness Clinic, Spay/Neuter Veterinarian

Dr Kelly Georgeou, Mitchell Veterinary Hospital, Spay/Neuter Veterinarian


Our Local Law Enforcement

Our local Law Enforcement organizations are an integral part of our operations, and are at the forefront of investigating cases of possible animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect.

Many thanks to the Mitchell County Sheriff’s Department, the Avery County Sheriff’s Department, the Spruce Pine Police Department, and the Bakersville Police Department.




Volunteers are people who care about animals and want to help. And they are crucial to our work. Yes, we always need cash donations but it doesn't end there. Just as important are the many ways you can help the animals of Mitchell County by offering your time and skills to the shelter. 



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